39 research outputs found

    Arbeid og psykisk helse : Hvilke virksomme faktorer er tilstede når mennesker som har vært ute av arbeidslivet på grunn av psykiske funksjonshindringer lykkes med å komme i jobb? - Brukeransattes erfaringer og opplevelser

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    Denne masterstudien tar utgangspunkt i temaet arbeid og psykisk helse. Mange mennesker med psykiske funksjonshindringer står i dag utenfor arbeidslivet. Tidligere forskning viser at flertallet av disse ønsker å jobbe. Hensikten med studien er å finne ut mer om hvilke virksomme faktorer som er tilstede når mennesker med psykiske funksjonshindringer lykkes med å komme i jobb. En slik kunnskap vil kunne ha betydning i arbeid med å integrere mennesker med psykiske funksjonshindringer i arbeidslivet. Et helsefremmende perspektiv med et fokus på suksesskriterierer er valgt for å belyse emnet. Den teoretiske forankringen for studien er Aaron Antonovskys teori om Sense of Coherence (SOC), samt Kjell Kristoffersens teori om helserytmer. I tillegg er Einar Thorsruds psykologiske jobbkrav, samt John Steinbergs bok om humanistisk lederskap brukt som relevant teori for å belyse funnene i studien. Et brukerperspektiv er valgt for å belyse problemstillingen. I studien anvendes kvalitativ metode, og fem brukeransatte fra to kommunale virksomheter innen psykisk helsevern i to ulike kommuner er intervjuet ved hjelp av semistrukturert intervjuform. Transkripsjonene fra lydopptak av intervjuene ble analysert etter metoden Systematisk Tekst Kondensering (STC). Resultatene av studien viser at informantene i stor grad knytter virksomme faktorer for å komme i jobb til forhold ved selve arbeidsplassen. Å få et jobbtilbud er den viktigste enkeltstående virksomme faktoren. De andre virksomme faktorene er å få anerkjennelse av leder i form av å få tillit, ansvar og innflytelse. Dette innebærer meningsfylte arbeidsoppgaver og opplevelsen av å bety noe for andre i et fellesskap. Å kunne jobbe etter egen rytme innebærer at arbeidstaker og arbeidsgiver sammen finner fram til arbeidstid, -mengde og -intervaller som virker helsefremmende for arbeidstaker. En virksom faktor for å bli i jobb, er at det tilrettelegges for at et lengre fravær ikke får negative konsekvenser for arbeidet eller arbeidstaker. Studien konkluderer med 1) Brukeransettelser er i seg selv en virksom faktor for å integrere mennesker med psykiske funksjonshindringer i arbeidslivet. 2) Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser preget av en humanistisk organisasjonsprofil, bidrar til at mennesker med psykiske funksjonshindringer lykkes med å komme i jobb.Engelsk sammendrag (abstract): What are the key factors when people with psychiatric disabilities manage to succeed in the job market? Many people with psychiatric disabilities have great difficulties succeeding in the job market. The purpose of this master thesis is to explore what consumer-employees’ experiences are concerning successful factors when it comes to getting a job. Antonovskys theory on Sense of Coherence (SOC) and Kjell Kristoffersen’s theory on health rhythms constitute the theoretical framework for the thesis, which is based on health promotion theory. The thesis is a qualitative analysis and the method Systematic Text Condensation (STC) is applied in the analysis process. Data is collected and interpreted form five semistructured interviews with five consumer-employees in mental health services. The employees were recruited to their jobs because of relevant competence and their user experience from mental health care. The result of the thesis implicates that factors within the workplace play an important part. These factors are: Recognition from the employer, approval from colleagues and the experience of playing a significant part for other service users in the fellowship at the workplace. Meaningful work tasks involving responsibility and impact on developing the services are other key factors. Also the consumer-employees emphasize the importance of being able to adjust working hours, the amount of work and the work intervals in a way that influences their mental health in a positive way. Organizing the services in a way that allows the consumer-employees to have periods of sick-leave without the fear of negative consequences, enables the employees to decrease the amount of sick-leave. Simply getting a job offer that allows participation in the job market is also a key factor for people with psychiatric disabilities who have succeeded in getting a job. Employers’ prejudice against people with mental disabilities is viewed as a bottleneck in their struggle to enter the job market. The conclusion of the thesis is that the efficient factors within the workplace is related to humanistic values which are rooted in the leadership at the workplace. Humanistic values are viewed as the foundation for health promoting workplaces that enables people with psychiatric disabilities to participate in the job market on their own terms. Key words: vocational rehabilitation, salutogenesis, psychiatric disabilities, consumer-employees, user perspective, workplace health promotion, humanistic leadership

    Gas-phase study on uridine: Conformation and X-ray photofragmentation

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    Fragmentation of RNA nucleoside uridine, induced by carbon 1s core ionization, has been studied. The measurements by combined electron and ion spectroscopy have been performed in gas phase utilizing synchrotron radiation. As uridine is a combination of d-ribose and uracil, which have been studied earlier with the same method, this study also considers the effect of chemical environment and the relevant functional groups. Furthermore, since in core ionization the initial core hole is always highly localized, charge migration prior to fragmentation has been studied here. This study also demonstrates the destructive nature of core ionization as in most cases the C 1s ionization of uridine leads to concerted explosions producing only small fragments with masses ≤43 amu. In addition to fragmentation patterns, we found out that upon evaporation the sugar part of the uridine molecule attains hexagonal formFinancial support from the Academy of Finland, the European COST Action XLIC CM1204 and the EU Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures programme. Computational resources from the FGI project (Finland) are acknowledged. D.T.H. acknowledges the Finnish Cultural Foundation for funding and the MINECO Project No. FIS2013-42002- R. E.R. acknowledges funding from the Swedish Research Council (VR

    Modelling of runaway electron dynamics during argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade and JET

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    Disruptions in tokamak plasmas may lead to the generation of runaway electrons that have the potential to damage plasma-facing components. Improved understanding of the runaway generation process requires interpretative modelling of experiments. In this work we simulate eight discharges in the ASDEX Upgrade and JET tokamaks, where argon gas was injected to trigger the disruption. We use a fluid modelling framework with the capability to model the generation of runaway electrons through the hot-tail, Dreicer and avalanche mechanisms, as well as runaway electron losses. Using experimentally based initial values of plasma current and electron temperature and density, we can reproduce the plasma current evolution using realistic assumptions about temperature evolution and assimilation of the injected argon in the plasma. The assumptions and results are similar for the modelled discharges in ASDEX Upgrade and JET. For the modelled discharges in ASDEX Upgrade, where the initial temperature was comparatively high, we had to assume that a large fraction of the hot-tail runaway electrons were lost in order to reproduce the measured current evolution

    VUV photon induced fluorescence study of SF5CF3

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    The interaction of SF5_5CF3_3 with vacuum-UV radiation has been investigated by photon induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Total fluorescence yield and dispersed fluorescence spectra of SF5_5CF3_3 were recorded in the 200-1000 nm fluorescence window. In all cases, the fluorescence spectra resemble those of CF3_3X (X=H, F, Cl, and Br) molecules. At photon energies below 20 eV, the emission is attributed to the excited CF3_3 and CF2_2 fragments. The threshold for the CF3_3 emission is 10.2 ± 0.2 eV, giving an upper-limit estimate for the SF5_5-CF3_3 bond dissociation energy of 3.9 ± 0.3 eV. The excitation functions of the CF3 and CF2 emissions were measured in the photon energy range 13.6 – 27.0 eV. The resonant structures observed in SF5_5CF3_3 are attributed to electronic transitions from valence to Rydberg orbitals, following similar assignments in CF3_3X molecules. The photoabsorption spectrum of SF5_5CF3_3 shows features at the same energies, indicating a strong contribution from Rydberg excitations

    Ionization-site effects on the photofragmentation of chloro- and bromoacetic acid molecules

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    Fragmentation of gas-phase chloro- and bromoacetic acid samples, particularly its dependency on the atomic site of the initial core ionization, was studied in photoelectron-photoion-photoion coincidence (PEPIPICO) measurements. The fragmentation was investigated after ionizing carbon 1s and bromine 3d or chlorine 2p core orbitals. It was observed that the samples had many similar fragmentation pathways and that their relative weights depended strongly on the initial ionization site. Additional Auger PEPIPICO measurements revealed a clear dependence of fragment pair intensities on the kinetic energy of the emitted Auger electrons. The modeled and measured Auger electron spectra indicated that the average internal energy of the molecule was larger following the carbon 1s core-hole decay than after the decay of the halogen core hole. This difference in the internal energies was found to be the source of the site-dependent photofragmentation behavior.</p

    Molecular dynamics of photodissociation: towards more complex systems

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the photodissociation of thiophene mole-cule using energy-resolved electron-ion-ion coincidence technique and self-consistent charge density functional tight-binding theory combined with a statistical approach. The observed complex molecular dynamics with many internal-energy-dependent fragmentation pathways is successfully described by the theoretical simulation

    Internal energy dependence in x-ray-induced molecular fragmentation: An experimental and theoretical study of thiophene

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    A detailed experimental and theoretical investigation of the dynamics leading to fragmentation of doubly ionized molecular thiophene is presented. Dissociation of double-ionized molecules was induced by S 2p core photoionization and the ionic fragments were detected in coincidence with Auger electrons from the core-hole decay. Rich molecular dynamics was observed in electron-ion-ion coincidence maps exhibiting ring breaks accompanied by hydrogen losses and/or migration. The probabilities of various dissociation channels were seen to be very sensitive to the internal energy of the molecule. Theoretical simulations were performed by using the semiempirical self-consistent charge-density-functional tight-binding method. By running thousands of these simulations, the initial conditions encountered in the experiment were properly taken into account, including the systematic dependencies on the internal (thermal) energy. This systematic approach, not affordable with first-principle methods, provides a good overall description of the complex molecular dynamics observed in the experiment and shows good promise for applicability to larger molecules or clusters, thus opening the door to systematic investigations of complex dynamical processes occurring in radiation damageThis work was supported by a grant of the Academy of Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation, MICINN Project No. FIS2010-15127 and ERA-Chemistry Project No. PIM2010EEC-00751, the MINECO Projects No. FIS2013- 42002-R and No. CTQ2013-43698-P, the European COST Action No. CM1204 XLIC, an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council XCHEM No. 290853, the CAM Project NANOFRONTMAG, and the European Grant MCITN CORIN

    Study on a hypothetical replacement of nuclear electricity by wind power in Sweden

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    The Swedish electricity supply system benefits strongly from the natural conditions which allow a high share of hydroelectricity. A complete supply is, however, not possible. Up to now nuclear power is the other workshop horse to serve the country with electricity. Thus, electricity production in Sweden is basically CO2-free and Sweden has reached an environmental status which others in Europe plan to reach in 2050. Furthermore, there is an efficient exchange within the Nordic countries, Nordpol, which can ease possible capacity problems during dry cold years. In this study we investigate to what extent and with what consequences the base load supply of nuclear power can be replaced by intermittent wind power. Such a scenario leads unavoidably to high wind power installations. It is shown that hydroelectricity can not completely smooth out the fluctuations of wind power and an additional back-up system using fossil fuel is necessary. From the  operational dynamics, this system has to be based on gas. The back-up system cannot be replaced by a storage using surplus electricity from wind power. The surplus is too little. To overcome this, further strong extension of wind power is necessary which leads, however, to a reduction of the use of hydroelectricity if the annual consumption is kept constant. In this case a fossil-free energy form is replaced by another, however, more complex one. A mix of wind power at 22.3 GW plus a gas based back-up system with 8.6 GW producing together 64.8 TWh would replace the present infrastructure with 9 GW nuclear power producing 63.8 TWh electricty. The specific CO2-emission increases to the double in this case. Pumped storage for the exclusive supply of Sweden does not seen to be a meaningful investment.QC 20180327</p

    From X-Rays To Visible Photons : What Do We Learn From The Plasma Observations?

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    Photon spectroscopy from plasmas has proven to give new insights into the dynamics of the hot plasmas through multifaceted observations using absolute intensity and wavelength measurements. The spectroscopy observations have given a multitude of comparisons of theoretical modeling with experimental observations. Doppler, Zeeman and Stark effects have proven to be important ingredients in the observed spectra from the visible to the x-ray region. PACS: 32.60.+i, 32.30.Jc, 32.30.Rj, 33.70.Jg, 34.50.Fa, 34.70.+e, 95.30.Dr, 07.60.Rd, 07.85.-mQC 20160217</p

    Energy confinement in JET ohmically heated plasmas

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    The energy confinement properties of ohmically heated JET discharges are discussed in detail, from both a local and a global point of view. Also, the plasma resistivity and poloidal field diffusion are discussed in some detail.NR</p